-Trump Of God-



End Times



Jesus Christ



Word Of God



The Red Thread

By Matthew Ficarelli

Jesus Christ is mentioned in every book of the Bible. He is either mentioned specifically or is typified as a Savior or Messiah of the people.

Genesis - The Promised Seed

Exodus - Passover Lamb

Leviticus - High Priest

Numbers - The Star of Jacob

Deuteronomy - The Two Great Laws

Joshua - Captain of the Lord of Hosts

Judges - Covenant Angel Named Wonderful

Ruth - Our Kinsman Redeemer

I Samuel - Root and Offspring Of David

II Samuel - Root and Offspring Of David

I Kings - Greater Then The Temple

II Kings - Greater Then The Temple

I Chronicles - The King’s Son

II Chronicles - The King’s Son

Ezra - Re-builder

Nehemiah - Re-builder

Esther - Savior Of God’s People

Job - Our Daysman

Psalms - The Song and the Good Shepherd

Proverbs - Wisdom Of God

Ecclesiastes - One Among A Thousand

Song of Solomon - Bridegroom

Isaiah - Jacob’s Branch

Jeremiah - Our Righteousness

Lamentations - Unbelievers Judgment

Ezekiel - The True Shepherd

Daniel - Stone That Became Head Of Corner

Hosea - The Latter Rain

Joel - God’s Dwelling in Zion

Amos - Raiser of David’s Tabernacle

Obadiah - Deliverer On Mount Zion

Jonah - The Risen Prophet

Micah - Lord Of Kings

Nahum - Stronghold In Times Of Trouble

Habakkuk - Our Joy And Confidence

Zephaniah - Our Mighty Lord

Haggai - The Desire of All Nations

Zechariah - Our Servant The Branch

Malachi - Son of Righteousness

Matthew - Jehovah’s Messiah

Mark - Jehovah’s Servant

Luke - Jehovah’s Man

John - Jehovah’s Son

Acts - Gift Of Holy Spirit

Romans - Believer’s Justification

I Corinthians - Believer’s Sanctification

II Corinthians - Believer’s Sanctification

Galatians - Believer’s Righteousness

Ephesians - Believer’s Heavenly Standing

Philippians - Believer’s Self Adequacy

Colossians - Believer’s Completeness

I Thessalonians - Believers Soon Glorification

II Thessalonians - Believers Soon Glorification

I Timothy - Our Fellow Laborer

II Timothy - Our Fellow Laborer

Titus - The Blessed Hope

Philemon - Love Of A Believer

Hebrews - High Priest For Sin

James - Royal Law

I Peter - Pastor

II Peter - Pastor

I John - He Is As We Are

II John - He Is As We Are

III John - He Is As We Are

Jude - The Beloved

Revelation - King of Kings And Lord Of Lords.

End Times
Jesus Christ
Word Of God


All Scripture Taken Form King James Version