The Red Thread
By Matthew Ficarelli
Jesus Christ is mentioned in every book of the Bible. He is either mentioned specifically or is typified as a Savior or Messiah of the people.
Genesis - The Promised Seed
Exodus - Passover Lamb
Leviticus - High Priest
Numbers - The Star of Jacob
Deuteronomy - The Two Great Laws
Joshua - Captain of the Lord of Hosts
Judges - Covenant Angel Named Wonderful
Ruth - Our Kinsman Redeemer
I Samuel - Root and Offspring Of David
II Samuel - Root and Offspring Of David
I Kings - Greater Then The Temple
II Kings - Greater Then The Temple
I Chronicles - The King’s Son
II Chronicles - The King’s Son
Ezra - Re-builder
Nehemiah - Re-builder
Esther - Savior Of God’s People
Job - Our Daysman
Psalms - The Song and the Good Shepherd
Proverbs - Wisdom Of God
Ecclesiastes - One Among A Thousand
Song of Solomon - Bridegroom
Isaiah - Jacob’s Branch
Jeremiah - Our Righteousness
Lamentations - Unbelievers Judgment
Ezekiel - The True Shepherd
Daniel - Stone That Became Head Of Corner
Hosea - The Latter Rain
Joel - God’s Dwelling in Zion
Amos - Raiser of David’s Tabernacle
Obadiah - Deliverer On Mount Zion
Jonah - The Risen Prophet
Micah - Lord Of Kings
Nahum - Stronghold In Times Of Trouble
Habakkuk - Our Joy And Confidence
Zephaniah - Our Mighty Lord
Haggai - The Desire of All Nations
Zechariah - Our Servant The Branch
Malachi - Son of Righteousness
Matthew - Jehovah’s Messiah
Mark - Jehovah’s Servant
Luke - Jehovah’s Man
John - Jehovah’s Son
Acts - Gift Of Holy Spirit
Romans - Believer’s Justification
I Corinthians - Believer’s Sanctification
II Corinthians - Believer’s Sanctification
Galatians - Believer’s Righteousness
Ephesians - Believer’s Heavenly Standing
Philippians - Believer’s Self Adequacy
Colossians - Believer’s Completeness
I Thessalonians - Believers Soon Glorification
II Thessalonians - Believers Soon Glorification
I Timothy - Our Fellow Laborer
II Timothy - Our Fellow Laborer
Titus - The Blessed Hope
Philemon - Love Of A Believer
Hebrews - High Priest For Sin
James - Royal Law
I Peter - Pastor
II Peter - Pastor
I John - He Is As We Are
II John - He Is As We Are
III John - He Is As We Are
Jude - The Beloved
Revelation - King of Kings And Lord Of Lords.
All Scripture Taken Form King James Version