-Trump Of God-



End Times



Jesus Christ



Word Of God



Blood Moon

By Matthew Ficarelli

God created the stars and planets so we can have an organized system of record keeping.

Genesis 1:14. And God said, Let there be lights in the firmament of the heaven to divide the day from the night; and let them be for signs, and for seasons, and for days, and years:

There is a difference between Astronomy and Astrology. Astronomy is watching the stars, while Astrology is living by the stars. So with that said, what can we look for in the sky to signal Jesus’ second coming?

Joel 2:31. The sun shall be turned into darkness, and the moon into blood, before the great and the terrible day of the Lord come.

So the one of the signs we are to look for is a “blood moon” to mark his return. The solar system works like one big clock. So with today’s technologies, we can track the solar systems movements that have already happened, or that are going to take place. If you go on NASA’s eclipse website, we can now determine when the next blood moon is supposed to happen. Between 2014 -2015 is the next scheduled time when this is supposed to take place. But what is amazing is not just one is reported to happen, but four! When four consecutive lunar eclipses happen like this it is called a tetrad. So we have the dates of -

April 15, 2014

October 8, 2014

April 4, 2015

September 28, 2015

What is significant about these four dates? They each are the beginning of Jewish holy days!

Passover - April 15, 2014

Feast Of Tabernacles - October 8, 2014

Passover - April 4, 2015

Feast Of Tabernacles - September 28, 2015

God is really trying to tell us something. He is giving us clues to when his Son is supposed to return. These blood moon tetrads have happened in the past, can you guess what years? In 1948 when Israel became a nation and in 1967 when Jerusalem was recaptured by the Jews in the Six-Day War! What is really significant is that we have had three sets in the past 40 years or so and it’s not supposed to happen for another century!

These signs are meant to wake us up and prepare us for what is about to happen. Signs were given to the people 2,000 years ago to mark Jesus’ arrival and very few paid attention.

Matthew 16:3. And in the morning, It will be foul weather to day: for the sky is red and lowring. O ye hypocrites, ye can discern the face of the sky; but can ye not discern the signs of the times?

Jesus yelled at the people for not paying attention to the signs in the sky. Don't let yourself be one of the many that are to be left behind.

Could this really be the sign of Jesus’ second coming? With the events that are believed to take place in 2012, could this period from 2012 - 2015 actually be the Great Tribulation that is so often described in the Bible? If it is, I don’t want to be around to witness it.


Mark Blitz, El Shaddai Ministries

End Times
Jesus Christ
Word Of God


All Scripture Taken Form King James Version